Although you may have just filed your 2019 income taxes in July, now is the time to start thinking about your 2020 return due next April.
Read MoreBeing asked by a loved one to serve as trustee for their trust upon their death can be quite an honor, but it’s also a major responsibility—and the role is definitely not for everyone. Indeed, serving as a trustee entails a broad array of duties, and you are both ethically and legally required to properly execute those duties or face potential liability.
Read MoreWhile estate planning is probably one of the last things your teenage kids are thinking about, given the dire threat coronavirus represents, when they turn 18, it should be their (and your) number-one priority.
Read MoreIn January, we reported how the deaths of NBA legend Kobe Bryant (Kobe) and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, in a helicopter crash demonstrated the vital need for estate planning for people of all ages.
Read MoreThe days of working for a single employer for decades until you retire are over.
Read MoreIf you have a blended family and do not plan for what happens to your assets in the event of your incapacity or eventual death, you are almost certainly guaranteeing hurt feelings, conflict, and maybe even a long, drawn-out court battle.
Read MoreAnyone who has seen the hit Netflix documentary Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness can attest that it’s one of the most outlandish stories to come out in a year full of outlandish stories.
Read MoreMany people come to us curious (or confused) about trusts and taxes. So today’s article is going to sort it out and clarify things for you.
Read MoreWith new cases of COVID-19 currently surging in dozens of states, doctors across the country are joining lawyers in urging Americans to create the proper estate planning documents, so medical providers can better coordinate their treatment and care should they become hospitalized with the virus.
Read MoreAs the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the country, doctors across the nation are joining lawyers in urging Americans to create the proper estate planning documents, so medical providers can better coordinate their care should they become hospitalized with the virus.
Read MoreA financial crisis doesn’t have to be a crisis for you or your family. You may even look at this time as an opportunity to make a shift and create your own financial security. What can you do that other people can’t? What can you give that other people need?
Read MoreIt might be hard to imagine that you won’t be there to care for your kids. But even a healthy person can contract a serious illness that leaves them incapacitated and unable to care for their children. While naming legal guardians for your kids may feel more urgent as a single parent, parents with partners should also take precautions, especially since infection rates are high among people in the same household.
Read MoreLike most parents, you were probably struggling with guilt even before the pandemic. There is no doubt you are doing the best you can. Your kids see it, and know it too. Take a deep breath, and let me let you off the hook here for a minute….
Read MoreThere are many ways that estate plans fail, but one of the worst ways we see is when someone starts a plan and doesn't get documents signed properly….
Read MoreIt is an unfortunate fact that predators emerge during times of upheaval to take advantage of people. That means the COVID-19 pandemic can leave your parents vulnerable in more ways than one. But even when things go back to normal, this chronic problem of financial exploitation will still be a risk.
Read MoreAfter my colleague’s grandmother died, her grandmother’s retirement and investment accounts went directly to her mom, due to the estate plan they set up. No court process. No intervention. No conflict. Great! Except her mom never looked at the investments in those accounts. She let them stay as they were for years, until finally, her daughters convinced her to look….
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